Combine multi_compare_objects
combines two multi_compare_objects
to plot them together.
- multi_reg_object1, multi_reg_object2
Multireg objects that should be combined.
- p_adjust
A logical input or character string indicating an adjustment method that isusable in the
parameter ofp.adjust
. If set to TRUE the Bonferroni adjusted p-values are used in inference.
## Get Data for comparison
north <- card[card$south==0,]
white <- card[card$black==0,]
## use the function to plot the data
multi_data1 <- sampcompR::multi_compare(df = north,
bench = card,
independent = c("age","fatheduc","motheduc","IQ"),
dependent = c("educ"),
family = "ols")
#> Difference in coeficients between sets of respondents
#> educ
#> age -2.43e-02
#> fatheduc -2.37e-02
#> motheduc 1.23e-02
#> IQ -7.25e-03
#> Overall difference between north & card: 0% of coeficients are significant different
#> (*p<0.05 ; **p<0.005 ; ***p<0.001; for t-test robust standard errors are used)
multi_data2 <- sampcompR::multi_compare(df = white,
bench = card,
independent = c("age","fatheduc","motheduc","IQ"),
dependent = c("wage"),
family = "ols")
#> Difference in coeficients between sets of respondents
#> wage
#> age -9.51e-01
#> fatheduc 1.28e-01
#> motheduc 2.03e-01
#> IQ 3.61e-01
#> Overall difference between white & card: 0% of coeficients are significant different
#> (*p<0.05 ; **p<0.005 ; ***p<0.001; for t-test robust standard errors are used)
### merge two objects ###
### Plot the merged object ###
#> Error in get(multi_compare_objects[i]): object 'merged_object' not found