Plot Multiple multi_compare_objects
plots multipe multi_compare_objects
plots_label = NULL,
plot_title = NULL,
p_value = 0.05,
breaks = NULL,
plot_data = FALSE,
colors = NULL,
variant = "one",
p_adjust = NULL,
note = FALSE,
grid = "white",
diff_perc = TRUE,
diff_perc_size = 4.5,
ncol_facet = 3,
perc_diff_transparance = 0,
diff_perc_position = "top_right",
gradient = FALSE,
sum_weights_indep = NULL,
sum_weights_dep = NULL,
label_x = NULL,
label_y = NULL,
missings_x = TRUE
- multi_compare_objects
A character vector containing the names of one or more
. Every object will be displayed separately infacet_wrap
.- plots_label
A character vector of the same lengths as
, to name the different objects in facet_wrap of ggplot.- plot_title
A string containing the title of the visualization.
- p_value
A number between zero and one, that is used as p-value in significance analyses.
- breaks
A vector, containing several of strings, to rename the categories in the legend. Its possible length depends on the
.- plot_data
A logical value. If
, instead of a plot a data frame will be returned, that is used for the plot.- colors
A vector of colors, usable in ggplot, for every break. It's possible length depends on the
.- variant
Variant can be either "one", "two", "three","four","five", or "six".
variant = "one"
The plot will show whether the coefficients in the regression models are significantly different from each other (Diff). When they are, it will also show if they differ in strength (one is twice the size of the other) or direction as well (Large Diff).
variant = "two"
The plot will show whether coefficients in the regression models differ significantly from each other (Large Diff). If not it will show whether they still differ in direction (Diff in Direction) or whether one is significant while the other is not (Diff in Significance).
variant = "three"
The plot will show whether coefficients in the regression models differ from each other in various aspects. Whether one is significant, while the other is not (Diff in Significance), whether they differ in direction (Diff in Direction) or whether one is double the size of the other (Diff in Strength). When variables meet the criteria for multiple categories they will classified in the latest fitting category.
variant = "four"
The plot will show if the coefficient in the df is significant, while the coefficient is not significant in the benchmark or the other way around (Diff in Significance).
variant = "five"
The plot will show if the coefficient in the df is positive, while the coefficient in the benchmark is negative or the other way around (Diff in Direction).
variant = "six"
The plot will show if the coefficient in the df is double the size of the coefficient in the benchmark or the other way around (Diff in Strength).
- p_adjust
results based on adjusted p-values will be used. Adjustment methods depend on the method used to generate themulti_compare_objects
.- note
A logical value. If
, a note will be displayed under the plot describing thevariant
.- grid
A string, that can either be "none" or a color, for the edges of every tile. If "none", no grid will be displayed.
- diff_perc
A logical value. If
, the percent of the differing categories, decided by the variant, will be displayed in the corner of the plot.- diff_perc_size
A number to decide the size of the text in
.- ncol_facet
A number of columns used in faced_wrap() for the plots.
- perc_diff_transparance
A number between zero and one, to decide the background transparency of
.- diff_perc_position
A character string, to choose the position of
Can either be "top_right"(default), "bottom_right", "bottom_left", or "top_left".- gradient
A logical Value. If
, the transparency of the tiles depends on the coefficient.- sum_weights_indep, sum_weights_dep
A vector of weights for every dependent or independent variable. Must be
, or the same length as the dependent variables or independent variables.- label_x, label_y
A character string or vector of character strings containing a label for the x-axis and y-axis.
- missings_x
, missing pairs in the plot will be marked with an X.
Returns a a heat matrix-like plot created with ggplot, to visualize
the multivariate differences. If multiple objects are used, they will be
displayed separately with ggplot's facet_wrap function. On the y-axis, the
independent variables are displayed, while on the x-axis the independent
variables are displayed. Depending on the variant, the displayed tile colors
must be interpreted differently. FALSEor more information on interpretation look
at variant
## Get Data for comparison
north <- card[card$south==0,]
white <- card[card$black==0,]
## use the function to plot the data
multi_data1 <- sampcompR::multi_compare(df = north,
bench = card,
independent = c("age","fatheduc","motheduc","IQ"),
dependent = c("educ","wage"),
family = "ols")
#> Difference in coeficients between sets of respondents
#> educ wage
#> age -2.43e-02 -8.55e-01
#> fatheduc -2.37e-02 -2.93e-01
#> motheduc 1.23e-02 2.35e+00
#> IQ -7.25e-03 4.80e-01
#> Overall difference between north & card: 0% of coeficients are significant different
#> (*p<0.05 ; **p<0.005 ; ***p<0.001; for t-test robust standard errors are used)
multi_data2 <- sampcompR::multi_compare(df = white,
bench = card,
independent = c("age","fatheduc","motheduc","IQ"),
dependent = c("educ","wage"),
family = "ols")
#> Difference in coeficients between sets of respondents
#> educ wage
#> age -1.20e-02 -9.51e-01
#> fatheduc -1.45e-02 1.28e-01
#> motheduc 9.99e-03 2.03e-01
#> IQ -9.28e-03 3.61e-01
#> Overall difference between white & card: 0% of coeficients are significant different
#> (*p<0.05 ; **p<0.005 ; ***p<0.001; for t-test robust standard errors are used)
#> Error in get(multi_compare_objects[i]): object 'multi_data1' not found