Create an Output-Table of a multi_compare_object
Returns a table based on the information of a multi_compare_object
which can be outputted as HTML or LaTex Table, for example with the help of
the stargazer function.
type = "diff",
names = NULL,
ndigits = 3,
envir = parent.frame()
- multi_compare_objects
One or more object that were returned by
.- type
A character string, to determine the type of regression table.
If "dfs" a regression table based on the data frame(s) is returned.
If "benchmarks" a regression table based on the benchmark(s) is returned.
If "diff" a table indicating the difference between the df(s) and the benchmark(s) is returned.
- names
A character vector to rename the data frames of comparison.
- ndigits
The Number of digits that is shown in the table.
- envir
The environment, where the
can be found.
A table containing information on the multivariate comparison based on
the multi_compare
## Get Data for comparison
north <- card[card$south==0,]
white <- card[card$black==0,]
## use the function to plot the data
multi_data1 <- sampcompR::multi_compare(df = north,
bench = card,
independent = c("age","fatheduc","motheduc","IQ"),
dependent = c("educ","wage"),
family = "ols")
#> Difference in coeficients between sets of respondents
#> educ wage
#> age -2.43e-02 -8.55e-01
#> fatheduc -2.37e-02 -2.93e-01
#> motheduc 1.23e-02 2.35e+00
#> IQ -7.25e-03 4.80e-01
#> Overall difference between north & card: 0% of coeficients are significant different
#> (*p<0.05 ; **p<0.005 ; ***p<0.001; for t-test robust standard errors are used)
multi_data2 <- sampcompR::multi_compare(df = white,
bench = card,
independent = c("age","fatheduc","motheduc","IQ"),
dependent = c("educ","wage"),
family = "ols")
#> Difference in coeficients between sets of respondents
#> educ wage
#> age -1.20e-02 -9.51e-01
#> fatheduc -1.45e-02 1.28e-01
#> motheduc 9.99e-03 2.03e-01
#> IQ -9.28e-03 3.61e-01
#> Overall difference between white & card: 0% of coeficients are significant different
#> (*p<0.05 ; **p<0.005 ; ***p<0.001; for t-test robust standard errors are used)
#> data_frames variables educ wage
#> [1,] north age -0.024 -0.855
#> [2,] (0.025) (3.257)
#> [3,] fatheduc -0.024 -0.293
#> [4,] (0.028) (3.682)
#> [5,] motheduc 0.012 2.350
#> [6,] (0.033) (4.379)
#> [7,] IQ -0.007 0.480
#> [8,] (0.005) (0.691)
#> [9,] white age -0.012 -0.951
#> [10,] (0.023) (3.02)
#> [11,] fatheduc -0.014 0.128
#> [12,] (0.025) (3.287)
#> [13,] motheduc 0.010 0.203
#> [14,] (0.029) (3.915)
#> [15,] IQ -0.009 0.361
#> [16,] (0.005) (0.652)